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GCS stands firmly upon the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired and inerrant Word of God. This Word of God is the foundation for all our activities, including our curriculum design. As the "light to our path," study of the Scriptures in Bible class is of the utmost importance. Reading is vital, and we teach reading by the phonics method in all grades. Handwriting is taught to insure legible, neat work. Creative or expressive writing begins in third grade; students must learn how to communicate their thoughts effectively. Language study emphasizes that students must learn and use proper rules of grammar. Mathematics is taught in order that the students may understand more of God's orderly world. Science study (which is openly creationist) teaches children to analyze and appreciate God's creation. History and Social Studies present our society and the institutions in it as the work of God and as under His control. Music is taught so children may sing their praises to God effectively and appreciate the glorious purposes for which God created music.



2021-22 Textbook Information... For more information,
please contact our school office.


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